Gustavian Country Sofa or Bench from the 19th Century

Art. nr.
91 / 49 cm
174 cm
42 cm

Gustavian country sofa or bench from the early 19th century. The sofa is a country house furniture in folk art with an unusual straight shape. The sofa has profiled or fluted ribs in the backrest and all original paint. The red paint has swirls of black decoration paint and looking closely, even the paint on the seat is still mostly intact. The paint has some minor distress and traces of use. Healthy and solid frame, from northern Sweden around 1820 to 1830. The back is slightly lower / shorter on the left side.

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Gustavian Country Sofa or Bench from the 19th Century

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Gustavian Country Sofa or Bench from the 19th Century